Aged Care & Lifestyle Solutions

Accreditation is a key component of the aged care regulatory environment and as such achieving accreditation is vitally important in the operation of an Aged Care Facility. Installing the Dynamic Soundfield Speaker system can assist you in meeting your Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission Compliance and other accreditation goals, particularly:

2.16        Sensory Loss

3.5          Independence

3.6          Privacy and Dignity

3.7          Leisure interests and activities

4.4          Living Environment

We have an understanding of the accreditation process and can provide equipment, installation, training and support documentation to highlight how the Roger Dynamic Soundfield system is meeting these accreditation goals.

1 in 6 Australians experience some degree of hearing loss with this figure expected to increase to 1 in 4 by 2050 (Deloitte Access Economics, 2017). In Aged Care facilities, the incidence of hearing loss among the residents is likely to be around 70 – 90% (JiskaCohen-Mansfield, 2004).

In a 2017 report, mid-life hearing loss was named as the greatest single modifiable risk factor to reduce the risk of dementia (Prof Gill Linvingston et al, 2017). We also know that poorly managed or untreated hearing loss may lead to social isolation and depression in older Australians (Piers Dawes, 2015).

We understand that the Aged Care facility environment can be a very challenging environment to support those with a hearing impairment. Residents are not always able to manage their own devices, batteries go flat, and hearing aids get lost or need to be sent away for repair.

We are able to provide advice on Portable Systems and systems for Communal spaces.

Let us help you

Knowing the best design for a space is a job for an expert, so let us help you.

Just fill in the form below and give us as much detail as you can about your project.  We will then get in touch with some options for you.