Are you recording all your adjustments?
Did you know that using a soundfield for a student with a disability in ALL Australian Schools is an educational adjustment? The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) on School Students with Disability is a joint Commonwealth, state and territory government and non-government school sector initiative that is a consistent way for Australian schools to collect information that reflects the support or adjustments being provided for students whose learning is impacted by disability. The NCCD uses a broader definition of disability (based on the DDA) than the previous targeted funding definitions, which varied between states. We recommend all schools review the criterion for increased eligibility and funding opportunities.
The Commonwealth student with disability loading (Funding) is now based on the NCCD. To include a student in the NCCD schools must have documented evidence in accordance with NCCD criteria.
Please here to view information about the NCCD process and evidentiary requirements, e-learning courses and other free resources, key dates, data submission processes and other helpful information. Note that these vary per state, so please check the requirements for your specific circumstances.
By Schimming, Peta; Hearing Loop Australia 17/6/19, Copyright Education Services Australia reproduced by permission.